Quality Assurance Calibration Certifications

It isn't easy to manufacture a device that can maintain a high degree of performance in the field, when subjected to the range of ambient conditions that Australia experiences.

Add to that, some of the less than gentle handling that many workplaces subject the equipment to, especially in the resources industry of Western Australia, and you'll see why our service department is kept fairly busy! For the customer, understanding the theory around uncertainty of measurement, keeping equipment registers up to date so that equipment isn't out of certification, and dealing with the issues and logistics of having the equipment away for certification are quite simply a hindrance and distraction from being able to get on with the job. There are, however some ways to keep the pain threshold at a more tolerable level, and over the years we've managed to assist many of our clients towards this goal. What follows, therefore, is our FAQ and helpful hints on the subject for you to consider, broken down into the following subjects:

  • Certification and Calibration "What's the difference, and why should I bother?"
  • Standards & Traceability "Do I need a NATA certificate?"
  • Accuracy / Uncertainty "I don't need anything that accurate ... Why does it cost that much?"
  • Re-Certification "How often do I need to send it back to the lab?"

Before we go on, a few disclaimers about the material provided:

Firstly, Transtek does not operate a calibration laboratory, however we most certainly offer product certification services. We make this statement from the outset, as we see an inherent advantage in working alongside existing reputable calibration laboratories who view us as an asset to their business, both in terms of providing work for them and in assisting them with parts and service knowledge for the manufacturers we represent. We have over 18 years of expertise in providing calibration equipment and dealing with most of the major Australian laboratories. Over this time, you can be sure we've been asked almost every question there is to answer regarding ownership and certification of assets...

Secondly, the material provided is intended as general information only, and not in any way specific to particular situations or circumstances. You should always consult with and follow the regulations of your workplace under the guidance of a suitably qualified quality assessor or compliance officer.

Finally, this is not meant to be an engineering discussion paper. If you are looking for those, there are lots of other resources of that type around. Instead, this is as close to a layman's outline of the relevant information as is possible given the nature of the topic. Should you find any errors or omissions within this document, please notify us, and we will do our best to include your suggestions where relevant.

With that said, please read on...

Certification and Calibration
So who sets the standards?
Accuracy / Uncertainty
Recertification of Equipment

100% family-owned in Western Australia. Proudly providing specialist equipment and customised solutions to industries throughout Australasia since 1988.


Our customers are the centre of our universe. Our unmatched experience, knowledge and expertise builds trust and ensures we provide the support you need.


Reliable products from the most established and respected brands in the business. Cutting edge technologies bringing innovative solutions to real world problems.